Auto insurance companies get a bad reputation (no one really enjoys giving money to something they do not see an instant benefit from each month), but without them, most people would be in a world of hurt in the event of an accident.
While rates, regulations and plans may seem elusive, here are six ways your auto insurance is an asset to your life, not a liability.
No to low out-of-pocket expenses in the event of an accident.
Rather you are at fault for an accident or not, most insurance companies will repair your vehicle, unless it is totaled, for only a small deductible fee of about $500. While that may seem like a lot of money, it’s much cheaper than having to pay for the total property damages, which averaged $3,231 in 2013, according to the Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association. In the event that an insured driver is in a collision with an uninsured driver, uninsured motorist protection saves the insured driver the out-of-pocket expense for fixing their damaged vehicle.
Having an expert only a phone call away.
Towing companies, repair shops — no one wants to call multiple places to compare prices and credibility in the event of an accident or blown out tire on the freeway. Insurance companies have a large network of businesses they work with and can direct you to in the event of an accident making it only necessary for you to make one phone call instead of dozens.
Rental cars.
Many insurance plans offer free rental car services during the time that a vehicle is being inspected and repaired following an accident. According to USA Today, an economy rental car can cost anywhere from $45 to $65 per day, meaning if you’re looking at $315 – $455 out-of-pocket expense if you need to rent a car for a week. If you can’t afford to rent a car your options are lengthy rides on public transportation, or revolving your schedule around the availability of family and friends.
Roadside assistance.
Many insurance companies offer their own version of AAA or have partnerships and offer deals for customers with AAA.
In many states, it’s the law.
Many states require all drivers to have minimum liability coverage. In fact, Virginia and New Hampshire are the only states that do not require auto insurance. Choosing not to have car insurance when it’s the law can lead to expensive fines, license suspension and termination and even jail time if an uninsured driver is caught.
Quality of life.
Driving around knowing that if you get pulled over your life is over, is not a good feeling. It’s also not a safe way to drive for you, or anyone around you. Having the safety net of an insurance company creates a sense of ease while on the road, knowing that if anything happens, you will be covered.
Look online for your next car loan.
If you are like most consumers and overwhelmed with the thought of stepping foot into a dealership, consider going online to obtain your car loan financing before you go see the dealer. OpenRoad Lending is a leading online lender that offers credit solutions for all types of credit. Apply online in the comfort of your home and get a loan decision back in minutes in most cases.